
Word with a defining or opposite meaning
"Mann" as antonym of "Frau" or "Junge"
Occurrance of a term within a complex phrase
"Auge" in collocations: "die Augen überall haben", "das Auge isst mit"
Complementary Term
Word with opposite meaning, antonym
"Hitze" is a complentary term of "Kälte"
Combination of two or more words
"Dreitagebart" and "Wurfapparat" are compounds
Side meaning of a word
"Charakterkopf" as a positively connoted term
Fixed, habitual composition of words
"Hand und Fuß" and "Kind und Kegel" are constructions
Means of word formation, in which a new word is created by affixation (forming a prefix and/or suffix) of the lemma
"Gehäuse" as a derivation of Haus
Determinative Compound
Compounded word, whereby one word unit determines the other
The compound "Kressesalat" defines a particular kind of "Salat"
Linguistic research, in contrast to synchrony, examining changes over a long period of time and throughout various linguistic levels
Semantic change is extracted on the basis of diachronic source review
Attribute description as regards the differentiation between analogical terms
In contrast to the "Hütte", where the wall and roof merge into one another, the wall and roof of a "Haus" are characterized as separate building units
Diminution form
"Mäuslein" as diminutive/belittlement of "Maus"
Scientific description of the origin, history and semantic development of a word
Extraction from our etymology of the lemma "Fisch": Ahd. fisc m., mhd.visch, nhd. Fisch geht mit as. fisk, mnd. visch, ae. fisc, aisl. fiskr, got. fisks u.a. auf urgerm. *fiska- m. zurück...
European Context
This defines Europeisms of present-day language, which we compare to a German noun. Due to a comfortable detection of linguistic analogies and differences all translations are transliterated into latin alphabet.
The English "basil", the Spanish "albahaca" and the Croatian "bosiljak", as well as other words, form the European context to the New High German word "Basilikum"
Expression existing in several European languages
The "Aal" is known as the Greek "chéli", the Bulgarian "zmiorka"
A whole in relation to its parts
"Baum" as holonym in relation to "Ast"
The superordinate notion of a lemma
"Kartoffel" and "Gurke" are hyperonyms of "Gemüse"
The subordinate notion of a lemma
"Baumhaus" and "Hinterhaus" are hyponyms of "Haus"
Basic form of a word; the project mainly uses the term to describe nouns featured in their specific article
The lemma of "klüger" is "klug"; "Auge" and Stiefel" are project lemmata
Partial notion of a generic lemma
"Finger" is a meronym of "Hand"
Nominal Derivation
Means of word formation, in which a new word is created by affixation (forming a prefix and/or suffix) of the lemma. Via adjectivisation or nominalisation the word class can change.
The substantive "Freiheit" is a nominal derivation of the adjective "frei"; the adjective "dickköpfig" is a nominal derivation of the substantive "Kopf"
Umbrella term for the declinable parts of speech (substantive, adjective, pronoun, numeral and article). For DWEE, project relevant substantives were chosen from German nouns.
"Hand", "Wirtschaft" and "Nichte" are nouns
Pars pro toto
A part represents a whole
"eine zehnköpfige Mannschaft" – "Kopf" as a part means "Mensch" as a whole
Negative, pejorative
"Holzkopf" as a word with pejorative side connotation of "Kopf"
Semantic Field
Semantic grid in which a lemma is embedded, consisting of associated superordinate, minor and subordinate terms
The semantic field pathway to "Hand" is Mensch>Körper>Arm>HAND>Handgelenk/Ballen/Finger/etc. For the development of our pathways/grids we proceed from the acceptation of present-day language.
As a subfield of linguistics, semantics is the doctrine of the meaning of linguistic characters. DWEE collects the various denotations and connotations of a word.
Next to "Sinnesorgan", "Auge" can also take on the meaning "Punkt auf dem Würfel" or "Knospe einer Pflanze", semantic context pending
Interpretive framework, definition
Summary of "Truhe": "Die Truhe ist ein kastenförmiges Möbelstück zur Aufbewahrung von Gegenständen."
Linguistic research focusing, in contrast to diachrony, on a particular time span or linguistic level, in this case the present-day language
In the synchronous vocabulary the kinship terms "Oheim" and "Base" are on the wane.
Synonymous word
"Moneten" and "Bares" are synonyms of "Geld"
Univerbation differing formally from the compound
"Hohepriester" (instead of "Hochpriester") is a syntagma
The term isn't used literally but in figurative meaning, which consists of characteristic similarity
"Auge" figuratively also as "Knospe" in relation to plants or "Punkt" on the dice
Verbal Derivation
Means of word formation, in which a new verb is created by affixation
"bearbeiten" is a verbal derivation of "Arbeit"